(ENG) Pecha Kucha Lisbon vol.06, which will take place exactly in a month – on the 13th of May – has already defined the speakers programme. Who doesn’t know yet if going to Fátima or to the Electricity Museum to see the PKNL, can check the list of the artists and the related links in the right column of the blog and decide. For now, we can promise a varied list, with architecture, design, plastic arts, performance, fashion design and photography.
The tickets will be available at the box office (on the first floor of the Electricity Museum) from 19h30 and the price is 5€. There are no reservations, so please, show up early. The doors will open at 21h. The conferences will start around 21h30. We are waiting for you!
Como habitualmente, os bilhetes custarão 5€ e estarão disponiveis à porta a partir das 19h30. Não serão efectuadas reservas, portanto apareçam cedo. A sala abrirá às 21h. As conferências começarão por volta das 21h30. Ficamos à vossa espera.
I'd like to find out more about this event but I cant speak Portuguese, please could you let me know if I need to understand Portuguese to attend?
Thank you
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